The Ultimate Guide to Escaping Low ELO in League of Legends: Top 10 Essential Rules

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Escaping low ELO in League of Legends can seem daunting, but by focusing on a few core principles, you can significantly improve your rank.

Whether you’re new to the game or have been stuck in the same rank for a while, these 10 rules will help you make consistent progress. The advice here is drawn from years of experience and is designed to target the most common mistakes players make at lower levels.

Rule 1: Never Help Losing Teammates

The most important rule in low ELO is to avoid helping teammates who are already losing their lanes. It might seem counterintuitive, but in many cases, trying to help a struggling teammate can lead to your downfall as well. Instead, focus on your own lane and objectives. If your teammate is consistently dying, it’s better to leave them alone and ensure that you are maximizing your own gold and experience gain. This will allow you to carry the game later on, regardless of your teammates’ performances.

Rule 2: Always Go for Guaranteed Gold

One of the biggest challenges in low ELO is decision-making. Players often struggle to choose between farming or fighting, pushing or defending. In general, always prioritize guaranteed gold over uncertain outcomes. This means focusing on minions, jungle camps, and towers instead of chasing kills or contesting objectives when you don’t have a clear advantage. By consistently choosing the guaranteed gold, you will build a significant lead over time, putting you in a better position to win.

Rule 3: Speed Matters

Speed is a crucial factor in League of Legends, especially in the jungle. The faster you clear camps, push lanes, or take objectives, the more opportunities you create to pressure the map and outpace your opponents. In low ELO, where players often waste time on inefficient actions, being quicker can lead to substantial advantages. Work on optimizing your clear speed and decision-making to stay ahead of the curve.

Rule 4: Abuse Dead Time

Dead time refers to moments when you have nothing pressing to do, such as when all your jungle camps are down, or you’ve pushed your wave into the enemy tower. Instead of waiting idly, use this time to set up vision, look for picks, or prepare for the next objective. Efficient use of dead time can help you stay proactive and maintain control over the game.

Rule 5: Spend, Don’t Save

A common mistake in low ELO is holding onto gold for too long without purchasing items. Remember, you’re only as strong as the items you’ve bought. If you find yourself sitting on a large amount of gold, recall and spend it to gain an advantage over your opponents. Proper timing of your recalls and item purchases can make a huge difference in lane and team fights.

Rule 6: Never Assume Your Teammates’ Intentions

In low ELO, it’s risky to assume your teammates will play correctly or follow up on your plays. Always wait to see your teammates’ actions before committing. This ensures you’re not left overextended or caught in a bad situation because you assumed they would help when they didn’t.

Rule 7: Don’t Force Fights

Forcing fights when your team isn’t ready or when you lack vision is a common way to throw a lead in low ELO. Instead of charging in, play patiently and wait for the enemy to make mistakes. Let them overextend or waste key abilities, then capitalize on their errors.

Rule 8: Push to Punish

Whenever you see an opportunity where the enemy has overcommitted or left a lane undefended, push aggressively. Taking down towers and inhibitors puts immense pressure on the enemy team and forces them to react, often leading to mistakes you can exploit.

Rule 9: Don’t Fight Fair

Always aim to fight with a numbers advantage. This can be achieved by luring enemies into unfavorable positions, catching them out of position, or grouping with your team while the enemy is split. Low ELO players often fail to recognize when they are outnumbered, leading to easy victories in fights.

Rule 10: Prioritize Baron Before Inhibitors

In low ELO, many players make the mistake of trying to push for inhibitors without securing Baron first. Baron buff is crucial because it makes pushing significantly easier by empowering your minions, allowing you to siege towers and inhibitors effectively. Use Baron as a bait to force the enemy into a bad team fight or to secure the buff and then push for the win.

Following these 10 rules will dramatically improve your chances of climbing out of low ELO in League of Legends. By focusing on your own gameplay, making smarter decisions, and understanding the game’s mechanics, you’ll be able to carry more games and rank up more consistently.

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