The 10 best League of Legends champions

10 best League of Legends Champions

League of Legends is a team-based MOBA. in which players play as a champion, In the main game mode, summoner’s rift, which gets frequent updates to its champions that are on the weak side, or put the stronger ones back in line for a fair game, here are the best champions for the current patch (14.14) that we made so you can dominate your lane with informed picks.

You can read a predictive list of the best champions for the 14.15 patch here.

The 10 best League of Legends champions: Top Lane


Mordekaiser, Nasus, Garen, Teemo


Tryndamere, Trundle, Cho’gath, Kled


Pantheon, Sion, Renekton, Olaf


Mordekaiser is a toplane Juggernaut; He’s slow and melee, but incredibly powerful once able to engage the enemy in his range, able to sustain himself, and do a lot of damage to single targets or multiple, there’s a reason why jungle players never gank Mordekaiser.

His ultimate makes him the ultimate frontline during a team fight, as he can quickly isolate a priority target in the enemy team, or save his backline, with his ultimate “Realm of Death”.


The preferred top laner for most new players, he’s very intuitive, and somewhat simple, but still the pressure from fighting Garen in the top lane is not easy to let go, as he has all the tools to make a strong top laner, with almost none of the weaknesses.

Fast wave clear, incredible fighter, and a lot of health regeneration, makes him a strong champion, in the hands of newbies and pros alike.

The 10 best League of Legends champions: Jungle


Nocturne, Amumu, Warwick


Udyr, Diana, Jarvan IV


Ivern, Maokai, Sejuani


With a healthy wave clear, and probably the most amazing ganks after level 6, Nocturne will keep the squishy targets in check, while also put stress on the enemy jungle players.

Nocturne can clear the jungle mobs quickly using his auto attack enhancer, while also not losing too much hp due to his passive that heals him.

The two previous points are important since this champion needs to prioritize getting level 6 asap, as his ultimate is almost a global (map wide) dash to enemy champions.


The tank jungle pick, Amumu has good clear for the jungle monsters, but what makes him shine is his crowd control.

Amumu has multiple ways to stun the enemies, while also having very strong gap closers, his Q will make him travel a good distance, granted it hits, while also making the enemy unable to do any actions for a very short period of time.

Amumu’s ultimate, Curse of the sad mummy, can easily change the tide of the team fight if used correctly which stuns all enemies in a big circle around him.

Mid Lane


Malzahar, Lux, Vex


Morgana, Swain, Pantheon

Neeko, Syndra, Ziggs


With quick safe wave clear, and point and click targeted stun, Malzahar is always a strong pick, think of him as the Garen of Mid lane, while also very intuitive, his toolkit provides the ability to adapt to any situation without a hitch.

His ultimate will stun Malzahar and his enemy target, granting his team an easy kill, all the better if used on a priority target (such as the enemy ADC)


The model spell slinger, Lux is chock full of skill shots, and she loves using them.

She starts off with the ability to slow, root, or shield, and at level 6, she puts an insane amount of pressure on her enemy laner or even jungle players!

Lux in a team fight is a cornerstone to her team, acting as a support and a burst mage, she can control the tempo of the fight as she can easily start a team fight, or end it.



Miss Fortune, Jinx, Ashe


Vayne, Draven, Sivir


Caitlyn, Ezreal, Xayah

-Miss Fortune

ADC’s are a type of champions that can do a lot of sustained damage over the course of the team fight, but Miss Fortune’s expertise is quickly blowing up her targets thanks to her passive, her Q ability, and ultimate.

She’s more of a physical damage caster, and with current patch item changes, her builds are more focused on increasing her burst potential, rather than standard ADC builds.


As of patch 14.14, Jinx players have been enjoying their time in the Rift, her attack speed items and almost uncapped attack speed (thanks to her passive) make Jinx a priority to keep alive during team fights, as she will melt tanks and bruisers just like a squishy mage would.

She has a global ultimate that sends a rocket to wherever she chooses, and some decent cc in her kit, she’s one of the few champions that scale to infinity, depending on the skill of the player of course.


Ashe has slow in all her abilities and attacks, making her able to chance down enemies, or disengage from them quite easily, and incredible global vision with her E, she’s probably one of the safest picks for bot lane currently.

Just like Jinx she has a global ultimate, but it’s not about the damage this time, but about the crowd control, she can stun from anywhere on the map, granted her arrow hits, while also scaling a lot from the current critical item rework.

The 10 best League of Legends champions: Support


Leona, Zyra, Soraka


Janna, Sona, Taric


Pyke, Thresh, Blitzcrank


A champion that can engage the enemy team, or help protect the carry in her team, Leona is a versatile pick that has a toolkit that can shine in any situation without too much thinking.

A point and click stun, a root, and big defensive buffs available just from level 3, she’s oppressive in lane, while also allowing her ADC to farm without worry.

Her ultimate can give way for her team to quickly dispatch the enemy priority target, making her a great support that works in all ranks.


A support that’s realistically a mage, Zyra is very strong with area control due to her plants, with an ultimate that’s almost as strong as Amumu’s but with incredible damage in her base kit that scales harshly with her items.

She’s able to whittle down the enemy HP while also being safe, and she can do that all almost automatically due to her summons, Zyra remains a strong support that can turn team fights simply thanks to her ultimate and her plants.

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