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Amumu introduction

Amumu, the Sad Mummy, is a beloved yet tragic champion in League of Legends. Known for his heart-wrenching story and powerful crowd control abilities, Amumu is a tanky jungler who thrives in disrupting enemy formations and initiating team fights. With his signature ability, Curse of the Sad Mummy, he immobilizes every foe around him, making him a pivotal pick in many strategies. Amumu’s kit also includes Bandage Toss, a skill shot that stuns and allows him to close the distance to his enemies swiftly. Despair and Tantrum further enhance his capability to deal sustained damage while tanking hits. Players who choose Amumu benefit from his resilience and utility, providing a steadfast frontline presence. Whether you’re a new player or a seasoned veteran, mastering Amumu can add a dependable and emotionally resonant character to your champion roster in League of Legends. Explore his lore and abilities on to unleash his potential in your next game.

Amumu build

Amumu, the Sad Mummy, is a popular champion in League of Legends known for his tankiness and crowd control. When it comes to building Amumu, understanding the right items to enhance his abilities is crucial. Whether you are playing him in the Jungle, Top Lane, or Support role, there are specific builds that can maximize his effectiveness in the game. Below, we provide comprehensive details on the best Amumu build to ensure you climb the ranks with ease.

Optimal Amumu Build Path

When building Amumu, start with the basic items like Refillable Potion and Hunter’s Machete for a strong early game. The first full item you should aim for is Sunfire Aegis, which not only enhances Amumu’s tankiness but also provides AOE damage that complements his skillset. Following this, get Thornmail to add grievous wounds and further armor, making you an unmovable object in team fights.

Core Items for Amumu

For core items, focus on Sunfire Aegis, Thornmail, and Abyssal Mask. These items bolster both your survivability and crowd control, allowing you to stay in fights longer and disrupt the enemy team effectively. Abyssal Mask synergizes well with Amumu’s kit, increasing the magic damage enemies take.

Situational Items

Depending on the game scenario, you may want to tweak your build. Items like Randuin’s Omen are perfect for when facing heavy AD teams as it reduces critical strike damage and slows enemies. For games requiring more magic resist, opt for Spirit Visage, which enhances healing effects. If you need more engage potential, Righteous Glory is also a good pickup.

In conclusion, mastering the right Amumu build can drastically improve your gameplay and contribute to your team’s success. Keep adjusting based on in-game situations, and you will find yourself climbing the ladder in no time.

Amumu counters

Amumu, the Sad Mummy, is a formidable jungle champion in League of Legends, characterized by his exceptional crowd control and tankiness. However, like all champions, he has specific counters that exploit his weaknesses. Knowing how to counter Amumu can significantly shift the tide of a game in your favor.

Champions Who Counter Amumu

Several champions are particularly effective at countering Amumu due to their ability to disrupt his playstyle and neutralize his strengths. Champions like Trundle and Shaco can make the jungle a nightmare for Amumu. Trundle’s ability to steal stats with his Q and R, coupled with his Pillar of Ice to block Amumu’s movement, proves invaluable. Shaco, with his stealth and deceptive gameplay, can invade Amumu’s jungle easily, setting back his farm and progression.

Counter With Early Game Pressure

Applying early game pressure is key to keeping Amumu from becoming a significant threat. Champions like Lee Sin and Elise excel in the early game and can invade Amumu’s jungle, creating a gold and experience disadvantage. Their ability to duel effectively and escape risky situations makes them ideal picks for shutting down Amumu before he scales into the late game.

Positioning and Awareness

One of the best ways to counter Amumu is through careful positioning and map awareness. As a champion with strong initiation potential, Amumu relies on catching multiple enemies in his Curse of the Sad Mummy ultimate. Avoid clustering together and utilize vision wards to track his movements. This will help your team avoid engaging in unfavorable fights.

Items to Counter Amumu

Building items that reduce Amumu’s effectiveness can also be strategic. Consider items like Spirit Visage or Adaptive Helm to mitigate his magic damage. Furthermore, QSS (Quicksilver Sash) can be a game-changer by providing a way to cleanse his crowd control abilities.

By understanding these strategies and implementing them in your games, you can effectively reduce Amumu’s impact and pave the way to victory.

Amumu ARAM

Amumu, the Sad Mummy, brings a unique dynamic to ARAM (All Random All Mid) matches in League of Legends. Known for his impressive crowd control and team-fight presence, Amumu can turn the tide of battles with his devastating abilities. In ARAM, where team fights are frequent and rotations minimal, Amumu’s kit shines brightly, making him a formidable pick.

Why Amumu is Effective in ARAM

Amumu excels in ARAM due to his ability to control large areas with his ultimate, Curse of the Sad Mummy. This powerful AoE stun can catch multiple enemies off-guard, allowing your team to capitalize with burst damage and follow-up crowd control. Additionally, his Q ability, Bandage Toss, is a great tool for initiating fights and catching out-of-position enemies. These abilities make him a nightmare for squishier champions who depend on staying at a safe distance.

Building Amumu for ARAM Success

When it comes to item builds, focusing on tankiness and ability power can make Amumu both a durable frontliner and a surprising source of damage. Items like Rod of Ages or Abyssal Mask provide a balance of survivability and offensive capability. For defensive options, Spirit Visage enhances healing from his passive, and Randuin’s Omen reduces incoming attack damage. On top of that, Rylai’s Crystal Scepter adds a slowing effect to his abilities, further enhancing his crowd control.

Tips for Playing Amumu in ARAM

To maximize Amumu’s potential in ARAM, coordinate well with your team to engage at the opportune moment. Communicate when your ultimate is ready to avoid overlapping or missing key engagements. Positioning is crucial; try to remain within range for quick initiations while keeping an eye on enemy cooldowns. Lastly, use minion waves and bushes strategically to land unexpected Bandage Tosses, catching enemies off-guard.

For those looking to dominate the Howling Abyss, mastering Amumu in ARAM can make your team a force to be reckoned with. Tune into for more detailed guides and gameplay strategies.

Amumu runes

Amumu, the sad mummy, is a beloved champion in League of Legends known for his powerful crowd control and AoE damage. To maximize his utility and effectiveness in matches, selecting the right runes is essential. Here, we’ll dive into the best rune setups for Amumu, ensuring you can optimize his potential in every game.

Best Keystone Rune for Amumu

For Amumu, Aftershock stands out as the best keystone rune. Aftershock enhances Amumu’s natural tankiness, providing additional armor and magic resistance after immobilizing an enemy. This keystone pairs perfectly with his Q, Bandage Toss, and his ultimate, Curse of the Sad Mummy, making him more durable during fights while also dishing out bonus damage.

Primary Runes in the Resolve Tree

Selecting Resolve as the primary rune tree for Amumu is crucial. Alongside Aftershock, you’ll want to choose these additional runes:

– Font of Life: Synergizes well with Amumu’s crowd control abilities, allowing your team to heal when attacking enemies affected by your spells.
– Conditioning: Offers a solid increase in resistance stats after the 12-minute mark, bolstering Amumu’s mid-to-late game performance.
– Overgrowth: Increases your maximum health as the game progresses, making Amumu even tankier by the late game.

Secondary Runes in the Inspiration Tree

For the secondary rune tree, Inspiration is an excellent choice for Amumu. Key runes here include:

– Magical Footwear: Grants free boots at 12 minutes, providing an economy boost and enhanced mobility.
– Approach Velocity: Increases movement speed towards impaired enemies, allowing Amumu to engage and chase down targets more effectively.

Choosing the optimal runes for Amumu not only enhances his survivability but also amplifies his crowd control and damage output. Tailoring your runes to fit your playstyle will ensure you dominate the Rift as Amumu, the sad mummy. For more advice on mastering Amumu and other League of Legends champions, visit

Amumu TFT

Amumu, the Sad Mummy, has always been a fan-favorite champion in League of Legends. His unique abilities and engaging playstyle make him a fantastic choice for players looking to dominate both Summoner’s Rift and Teamfight Tactics (TFT). When it comes to TFT, Amumu’s capabilities as a frontline tank and crowd control specialist can significantly alter the dynamics of a match.

Amumu TFT Champion Overview

Amumu excels in TFT as a cost-effective tank and crowd control machine. In his primary role, Amumu offers immense value with his area-of-effect (AoE) stuns, making him a cornerstone in various compositions. His powerful ultimate “Curse of the Sad Mummy” can turn the tide of the battle, stunning all nearby enemies and allowing your other units to dish out damage freely.

Best Items for Amumu in TFT

Equipping Amumu with the right items can maximize his tankiness and utility on the battlefield. Popular choices include Sunfire Cape for burn damage and health, Bramble Vest for defense against critical hits, and Warmog’s Armor to significantly boost his health pool. These items collectively make Amumu a formidable frontline unit that can withstand and disrupt enemy formations.

Optimal Team Compositions with Amumu in TFT

Amumu fits well in various team compositions, particularly those that prioritize crowd control and tankiness. Pairing Amumu with champions like Sejuani or Braum can create an impenetrable frontline. Synergizing with Mystic or Sorcerer units can provide much-needed magical resistance and damage amplification. For example, combining Amumu with units from the Lunar and Mystic classes can give your team a balanced blend of defense and magic damage.

Positioning Tips for Amumu in TFT

Positioning Amumu correctly is crucial for maximizing his impact in TFT. He should be placed in the front line, ensuring that he can catch as many enemy units as possible in his AoE stun. Keeping him near other front line tanks can provide synergy and extend the duration of crowd control effects, giving your team the edge in critical moments.

Get the latest tips and strategies on mastering Amumu in TFT at Stay ahead of the meta and dominate the battlefield!

Amumu abilities

Amumu, the Sad Mummy, is one of the most recognizable champions in League of Legends. His unique abilities can turn the tide of any battle, making him a highly valuable champion for any team composition. Below, we delve into Amumu’s abilities, breaking down each one to give you all the details you need to master this iconic champion.

Q: Bandage Toss

Amumu’s Bandage Toss is a key tool in his arsenal. This ability lets him hurl a sticky bandage in a straight line, damaging and stunning the first enemy hit. Not only does it serve as a great initiation tool, but it also gives Amumu the capability to close gaps and lock down high-priority targets. Landing Bandage Toss consistently is crucial for maximizing your impact in team fights.

W: Despair

Despair is Amumu’s unique area-of-effect damage skill. When activated, Amumu releases his pent-up sorrow, causing nearby enemies to take magic damage every second. This ability scales well into the late game, especially when dealing with tanky opponents. Keeping Despair turned on during fights can chip away at the enemy’s health, wearing them down for easier takedowns.

E: Tantrum

Tantrum serves both offensive and defensive purposes. Passively, it reduces the physical damage Amumu takes, making him more durable. When activated, Amumu deals magic damage to surrounding enemies and reduces the cooldown of Tantrum for each hit he takes. This makes him a persistent threat in prolonged skirmishes, allowing him to absorb damage while dishing it out.

R: Curse of the Sad Mummy

Curse of the Sad Mummy is Amumu’s ultimate ability and one of the most game-changing ults in League of Legends. Upon activation, it releases a massive shockwave that damages and stuns all nearby enemies. This ability is perfect for setting up wombo combos and can singlehandedly win team fights when timed correctly. Knowing when and where to ult separates good Amumu players from great ones.

By mastering these abilities, you can become a pivotal force on the battlefield, securing victories for your team and climbing the ranks in League of Legends.

Amumu skins

Amumu, the Sad Mummy, is one of the most iconic champions in League of Legends, known for his heart-wrenching backstory and strong crowd control abilities. Over the years, Amumu has received numerous skins that not only offer aesthetic diversity but also celebrate different themes and universes within the League of Legends universe. Whether you are looking to relive nostalgic moments or want to dive into new realms with your favorite sad mummy, the variety of Amumu skins provides something for every player.

Top Amumu Skins to Unlock in League of Legends

League of Legends offers a myriad of skins for Amumu, each catering to different tastes and styles. Popular skins like the Pharaoh Amumu give a regal and ancient Egyptian twist to our beloved champion, making him look like a royal guardian. For players who enjoy a festive atmosphere, the Almost-Prom King Amumu skin adds a charming touch with its prom-themed design. On the whimsical side, the Hextech Amumu skin introduces a steampunk theme, incorporating gears and metallic textures that make our sad mummy look like a mechanical marvel.

Unique and Limited Edition Amumu Skins

Some Amumu skins in League of Legends are considered rare and are only available during special events or promotions. The Pumpkin Prince Amumu skin, for instance, fits perfectly during Halloween, transforming Amumu into an adorable but spooky character. Similarly, the Little Knight Amumu skin is part of a unique collection that dives deep into the world of fantasy and chivalry, offering a knightly twist to the tragic champion. Being aware of these unique skins can help collectors and enthusiasts keep an eye out for limited-time opportunities to snag these rare cosmetic upgrades.

How to Purchase and Equip Amumu Skins

Getting your hands on these captivating Amumu skins is easier than you may think. You can buy them directly from the in-game store using Riot Points, which can be obtained through purchases or event rewards. After purchasing, equipping the skin is a breeze; just go to your champion collection, select Amumu, and choose the skin you wish to use before heading into the game. Enjoy showing off your new look while you dominate the battlefield with Amumu.

Visit for more updates on Amumu skins and other exciting League of Legends news.

Amumu guide

Amumu, the Sad Mummy, is a beloved but often underestimated champion in League of Legends. As a tanky jungler with powerful crowd control abilities, Amumu can turn the tide of battle with his game-changing ultimate. His kit allows for both aggressive plays and team-centric strategies, making him an excellent choice for players looking to climb the ranks in solo queue.

Understanding Amumu’s Abilities

Amumu’s skill set is designed to disrupt the enemy team while providing durability to soak up damage. His passive, Cursed Touch, reduces the magic resistance of enemies hit by his basic attacks. Bandage Toss, his Q ability, serves as both a gap closer and stun, essential for engaging or escaping. Despair, his W, deals percentage-based damage to nearby foes, ideal for shredding tanky targets. Tantrum, his E, reduces incoming damage and can be spammed to clear jungle camps swiftly. Finally, Curse of the Sad Mummy, Amumu’s ultimate, is a game-changing AoE stun that can secure teamfight victories.

Mastering the Jungle with Amumu

Amumu excels in the jungle due to his fast camp clear speed and strong ganking potential. Start with Hunter’s Talisman and a Refillable Potion. Prioritize leveling Bandage Toss and Tantrum for efficient clears and impactful ganks. Early wards are crucial to spot enemy junglers and secure objectives. Utilize your Bandage Toss to initiate ganks and follow up with Curse of the Sad Mummy for devastating crowd control.

Itemization and Builds

Opt for items that provide health, magic resistance, and Armor to make Amumu an unkillable frontliner. Start with Sunfire Aegis for additional AoE damage and tankiness. Thornmail and Spirit Visage are excellent mid-game choices, amplifying your sustain and utility. Rylai’s Crystal Scepter can also add some crowd control to Amumu’s skills, slowing enemies and making it harder for them to escape.

Amumu may be a simple champion, but mastering his intricacies will elevate your gameplay. Stay coordinated with your team, control objectives, and use your ultimate wisely to climb the ranks in League of Legends. Visit for more in-depth guides and updates on Amumu and other champions.

Amumu lore

Amumu, the sad mummy of the League of Legends universe, is a character enveloped in tragedy and mystery. Known for his melancholic demeanor and forlorn quest for companionship, his lore is deeply touching and intriguing for both new players and seasoned veterans alike.

Amumu’s Origin Story

Amumu’s tale begins in the ancient Shuriman desert, where legends speak of him being a prince who was cursed to live eternally in solitude. The exact details of his origin remain shrouded in myth. Some say he was a young boy struck down by a devastating magic, while others believe he is a spirit trapped in the wrappings of a mummified child. This ambiguity fuels the sorrow that defines Amumu, making his story one of the most compelling in the League of Legends world.

A’s Journey Through the Desert

Amumu’s lore is intertwined with the vast and unforgiving Shuriman desert. Roaming the endless sands, he searches for anyone who might end his loneliness. Each step he takes across the dunes is punctuated by the memories of past friends who have all faded away due to his curse. His journey is one of perpetual heartbreak but also resilience as he continues to seek out friendship in a world that seems determined to deny him solace.

The Curse of Eternal Loneliness

At the core of Amumu’s lore is the tragic curse that ensures anyone who becomes close to him swiftly meets a sorrowful end. This eternal loneliness is both his burden and his driving force. It shapes his interactions with other champions in the League of Legends and adds layers of depth to his character. Understanding this curse is key to appreciating Amumu’s struggle and the deep-seated sadness that defines his existence.

Discover more about Amumu and explore his role within the League of Legends universe, including his gameplay strategies and strengths, only on

Amumu FAQ

Amumu, known as the Sad Mummy, is a popular champion in League of Legends due to his unique abilities and impactful role in team fights. Here we answer some frequently asked questions about Amumu to help you understand him better and improve your gameplay.

Who is Amumu in League of Legends?

Amumu is a tank jungler with strong crowd control abilities. He excels in initiating team fights and disrupting enemies with his area-of-effect stuns and damage.

What role does Amumu play in a team composition?

Amumu is primarily played as a jungler but can also be used as a top lane tank. His ability to engage in fights and provide crowd control makes him a valuable asset in team compositions.

What are Amumu’s abilities?

Amumu has five abilities:
– Cursed Touch (Passive)
– Bandage Toss (Q)
– Despair (W)
– Tantrum (E)
– Curse of the Sad Mummy (R)

How do you effectively play Amumu in the jungle?

Start with Bandage Toss for early ganking potential. Clear jungle camps quickly using Tantrum and Despair, and prioritize objectives. Look for opportunities to gank lanes and use Curse of the Sad Mummy in team fights for maximum impact.

What items should I build on Amumu?

Amumu typically builds tanky items such as Sunfire Aegis, Thornmail, and Abyssal Mask. Depending on the game, you can adjust your build to include more damage or more resistances as needed.

How do I counter Amumu?

Amumu can be countered by champions with mobility and crowd control. Avoid grouping up to minimize the impact of his ultimate. Champions like Morgana with Black Shield or Janna with her disengage abilities can be effective against him.

What summoner spells are best for Amumu?

Flash and Smite are the standard summoner spells for Amumu. Flash provides mobility for engages and escapes, while Smite is essential for jungling and securing objectives.

Is Amumu a good champion for beginners?

Yes, Amumu is considered beginner-friendly due to his straightforward abilities and role in team fights. He teaches the basics of jungling and engaging in team fights.

What runes should I take for Amumu?

Aftershock, Font of Life, Conditioning, and Unflinching are core runes for Amumu. Secondary runes like Cheap Shot and Ultimate Hunter can provide additional utility and cooldown reduction.

Can Amumu be played in lanes other than jungle?

While Amumu is most commonly played in the jungle, he can also be flexed into the top lane as a tank. However, his effectiveness may be reduced compared to other top lane champions.

What champions synergize well with Amumu?

Champions with strong follow-up crowd control and area-of-effect damage, such as Miss Fortune and Yasuo, synergize well with Amumu. They can capitalize on his ultimate to deal massive damage.

What skins are available for Amumu?

Amumu has several skins, including Pharaoh Amumu, Little Knight Amumu, Emumu, Re-Gifted Amumu, Almost-Prom King Amumu, and Sad Robot Amumu.

How does Amumu’s passive work?

Amumu’s passive, Cursed Touch, reduces the magic resistance of enemies hit by his basic attacks, making them more vulnerable to magic damage from all sources.

When should I pick Amumu?

Amumu is a great pick when your team needs a strong engage and lacks crowd control. He is also effective against teams that tend to group up, allowing him to maximize his ultimate’s impact.

What are Amumu’s main strengths and weaknesses?

Amumu’s strengths include strong crowd control, powerful team fight presence, and tankiness. His weaknesses include a reliance on hitting skill shots and vulnerability to early game invades.

How do I play Amumu in team fights?

In team fights, look to engage with Bandage Toss and Curse of the Sad Mummy to initiate and disrupt the enemy team. Position yourself to soak damage and use Tantrum and Despair to deal consistent area damage.

What is the best strategy for early game Amumu?

Focus on clearing jungle camps efficiently and look for ganking opportunities in lanes. Prioritize securing the Rift Scuttler and avoid unnecessary fights with stronger early game junglers.

How do I handle an invaded jungle as Amumu?

If you’re invaded, use your abilities cautiously and call for assistance from your team. Ward key areas and consider moving to the opposite side of the jungle to continue farming safely.

How does Amumu compare to other junglers?

Amumu is strong in team fights but can be weak in the early game and against high-mobility champions. Compared to other junglers, he offers more crowd control and reliable initiation but less dueling power.

Can Amumu solo objectives like Dragon and Baron?

With the right items and a bit of help, Amumu can solo objectives, especially if he has built significant tankiness. However, it is safer and faster to take these objectives with team assistance.

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