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Vex introduction

Vex, the Gloomist, is a unique and captivating champion in League of Legends, and she is causing quite a stir among players. As a formidable Yordle, Vex stands out in the mid-lane with her powerful control abilities and distinctive aesthetic. Her shadowy demeanor and magical prowess make her a natural counter to hyper-mobile champions, offering players a strategic edge in combat. Vex’s abilities revolve around her shadow, allowing players to unleash devastating attacks while maintaining a safe distance from enemies. Fans of burst mages will appreciate her playstyle, which combines crowd control and significant damage output. Released as part of the Sentinels of Light event, Vex has quickly become a fan favorite thanks to her unique narrative and compelling gameplay mechanics. Whether you’re new to League of Legends or a seasoned summoner, Vex offers an exciting challenge and an opportunity to master a champion that changes the dynamics of every match. Explore Vex on and elevate your gameplay.

Vex build

Vex, the Gloomist, is a unique champion in League of Legends, renowned for her crowd control and burst damage capabilities. As a mid-lane mage, she thrives in disrupting enemy formations with her haunting abilities. For players looking to master Vex, an optimized build can significantly enhance performance. Understanding the best items, runes, and skill priorities for Vex will pave the way for dominating the Rift.

Optimal Vex Build for Maximum Impact

Building Vex requires a balance between maximizing her magical damage output and ensuring enough survivability to sustain prolonged engagements. Start with an early Luden’s Tempest to boost your damage potential and provide you with the mana you need to consistently apply pressure. Sorcerer’s Shoes are essential for enhancing Vex’s mobility and magic penetration. Progressing into mid-game, Horizon Focus and Zhonya’s Hourglass are ideal choices. Horizon Focus magnifies your damage after landing long-range abilities, while Zhonya’s Hourglass provides a crucial lifesaving tool with its active stasis. As the game progresses into the late phase, items like Rabadon’s Deathcap and Void Staff will ensure your damaging abilities obliterate even the toughest opponents.

Runes and Masteries for Vex Success

For runes, the best keystone choice for Vex is Electrocute from the Domination tree, maximizing burst damage potential. Pair this with runes such as Cheap Shot, Eyeball Collection, and Ultimate Hunter to amplify your spell potency and reduce your ultimate’s cooldown. Complement these with the Sorcery secondary tree, opting for Manaflow Band and Transcendence to maintain mana flow and reduced cooldowns for better uptime on key abilities.

Skill Priority and Play Style

Maximize Vex’s ability to control and eliminate targets by prioritizing Mistral Bolt (Q) to increase your harassment potential during the laning phase. Follow up with Personal Space (W) for defensive shielding and damage, then continually capitalize on the fear mechanic brought by Looming Darkness (E). Understanding Vex’s interaction with fear and shadow abilities will allow you to control team fights effectively.

Vex counters

Vex, the Gloomist, has emerged as a formidable champion in the League of Legends universe, using her shadowy powers to disrupt enemies and control the battlefield. Understanding how to counter Vex can be crucial for players who find themselves up against this potent mid-lane mage. Knowing which champions and strategies can effectively mitigate Vex’s impact is essential for gaining an edge in your matches.

Best Champions to Counter Vex

When facing Vex, picking the right champion can significantly reduce her influence in the game. Champions like Fizz, LeBlanc, and Zed prove to be effective counters to Vex. Fizz’s mobility and evasive abilities allow him to dodge Vex’s skill shots while closing the gap to unleash his devastating combos. LeBlanc excels with her deceptive playstyle, using mobility to dodge Vex’s abilities and burst her down quickly. Zed offers a similar advantage with his shadows, enabling him to outmaneuver Vex and strike with lethal precision.

Understanding Vex’s Weaknesses

Vex possesses strong area control and poke, but she struggles against champions who can close gaps quickly and disrupt her rhythm. Avoiding her key abilities, like Mistral Bolt and Looming Darkness, is crucial. Keeping high mobility and using champions with gap-closing mechanics can help bypass these abilities and force Vex into uncomfortable positions. Additionally, utilizing crowd control to pin Vex down and prevent her from casting is another effective strategy to keep her off her game.

Itemization and Strategy

Proper itemization can diminish Vex’s impact significantly. Magic resistance items like Banshee’s Veil or Mercury’s Treads help reduce the damage from her spells and mitigate her crowd control effects. Prioritizing vision control can limit her ability to safely roam and catch players off guard. Employing smart map movements and strategic positioning is key in staying ahead even when Vex tries to assert dominance on the mid lane.

By choosing the right champions and tactics, players can effectively counter Vex and turn the tide of battle in their favor.


Vex, the Gloomist, is a fascinating champion in League of Legends, particularly in the ARAM mode where her unique abilities can shine. With her vexing potential to control the battlefield and inflict significant damage, Vex draws players looking to master the art of shadow manipulation. Understanding how to effectively utilize Vex in ARAM can greatly influence your success rate on Howling Abyss.

Vex ARAM Strategy Guide

When playing Vex in ARAM, it’s crucial to grasp her strengths and weaknesses. Vex excels in areas with limited escape routes, making ARAM’s confined map layout ideal for her skillset. Her passive ability, Doom ‘n Gloom, allows her to disrupt enemy plans and provides excellent zoning capabilities, perfect for controlling the pace of the game. Combining her skills with well-timed positioning can maximize damage output and minimize threats from enemy champions.

Optimal Vex ARAM Build

The right item build can make or break your impact in ARAM as Vex. Prioritizing items like Luden’s Echo and Zhonya’s Hourglass can enhance her burst damage and survivability. Luden’s Echo increases her poke potential, which is invaluable in ARAM’s constant team fights, and Zhonya’s Hourglass provides essential protection during engagements. Considering cooldown reduction and magic penetration items can also enhance your effectiveness on the battlefield.

Best Runes for Vex in ARAM

Choosing the right runes for Vex is another critical aspect of dominating ARAM matches. Electrocute synergizes perfectly with her ability combo, boosting her kill potential. Following with Sorcery runes such as Manaflow Band and Transcendence improves her mana pool and cooldown reduction, allowing for more frequent use of her powerful skills. These rune choices ensure Vex remains a formidable presence through all stages of the game.

Successfully mastering Vex in ARAM can lead to impressive victories. With the correct strategies, build, and runes, Vex can easily become one of your go-to champions on Howling Abyss, leaving a lasting impact on every match.

Vex runes

Vex, the Gloomist, is a fascinating character in League of Legends, and mastering her potential relies heavily on understanding her rune setup. Choosing the right runes for Vex can significantly enhance her performance, especially when leaning into her abilities’ burst damage and crowd control capabilities. As an artillery mage with a knack for disrupting opponents, Vex benefits notably from runes that amplify her offensive and defensive strengths.

Best Runes for Vex in League of Legends

Selecting the best runes for Vex is pivotal for players looking to dominate the mid lane. The Precision and Sorcery trees provide an excellent combination for optimizing her effectiveness. Within the Precision tree, Conqueror can be a game-changer, increasing her adaptive force with each attack or skill. This setup allows her to ramp up damage quickly, making her poke more impactful.

Primary Runes for Vex

For the primary rune path, Precision is often a popular choice. Players can pick Conqueror for increased spell casting benefits or opt for Presence of Mind to help with mana management during intense laning phases. Furthermore, using Coup de Grace can assist in executing low-health enemies, allowing Vex to consistently finish off weakened opponents.

Secondary Runes for Stellar Gameplay

In terms of secondary runes, Sorcery can significantly complement Vex’s playstyle. Picking Transcendence can enhance her cooldown reduction efforts, ensuring more frequent casting of her devastating abilities. Scorch can provide additional laning power by applying extra burn damage to opponents, pressuring them to play more cautiously.

Whether you are a beginner or an experienced player, optimizing Vex runes according to these guidelines will help harness her max potential. Visit to explore additional tips and tricks to master Vex and transform your gameplay experience.


Vex, the melancholy mage from League of Legends, brings her unique skills and captivating personality to Teamfight Tactics. Known for her shadowy powers, Vex offers players an engaging and strategic champion that can turn the tide of any TFT match. For fans of ranged magic damage, Vex is a compelling choice, wielding her arsenal of abilities to control the battlefield and subdue opponents with precision.

Mastering Vex in TFT: Abilities and Traits

In Teamfight Tactics, Vex combines her League of Legends prowess with the dynamics of the TFT arena. Her abilities allow players to strategically position her on the board to maximize damage output and crowd control. Understanding Vex’s traits and how they synergize with other champions can give players a crucial advantage. She stands out due to her versatility and her ability to adapt to different team compositions, providing flexibility in constructing winning strategies.

Best Strategies for Building Around Vex in TFT

Crafting an effective team around Vex involves selecting complementary champions that enhance her strengths and mitigate potential weaknesses. Focus on champions with strong defensive capabilities to protect Vex and amplify her damage potential. Deploying units that can bolster Vex’s defensive stats or provide healing support can also optimize her performance. Perfecting the balance between offense and defense is key to leveraging Vex’s full potential in TFT.

Optimal Itemization for Vex in Teamfight Tactics

Selecting the right items for Vex can significantly impact her effectiveness in matches. Items that enhance her magic damage or provide additional shield compensation are particularly beneficial. Depending on the match dynamics, consider equipping her with items that increase her survivability while increasing her impact on the board. Being adaptable and tweaking her itemization based on the champions you face will ensure Vex remains a formidable force in your TFT compositions.

Vex abilities

Vex, the Gloomist, has quickly become one of the most talked-about champions in League of Legends. Her unique abilities make her a formidable force on the battlefield, striking fear into the hearts of her enemies. At, we’re diving deep into what makes Vex’s abilities both intriguing and devastating.

Overview of Vex Abilities in League of Legends

Vex is a burst mage with a knack for disrupting foes and sowing chaos on the Rift. Her abilities are crafted to control and initiate team fights, enabling her to dish out immense damage. Understanding Vex’s abilities is crucial for both playing as her and countering her effectively.

Passive: Doom ‘n Gloom

Vex’s passive ability, Doom ‘n Gloom, empowers her with enhanced damage and crowd control capabilities. Doom makes Vex’s next basic ability interrupt dashes and fears enemies for a short duration, perfect for halting aggressive champions in their tracks. Gloom marks enemies at a distance, which Vex can then exploit for bonus damage when they are hit.

Q: Mistral Bolt

Mistral Bolt is Vex’s primary damaging ability, launching a wave of magical energy that deals damage on its path. A key feature of this ability is its ability to extend range after hitting an enemy, making it optimal for poking and clearing waves with ease.

W: Personal Space

With Personal Space, Vex surrounds herself in a magical shield that absorbs damage. This ability also releases a burst of magic damage around her, punishing enemies who dare to close the distance.

E: Looming Darkness

Looming Darkness allows Vex to project a shadowy sphere into a target area. This ability is crucial for zoning and setting up kills, as it slows enemies and applies Gloom marks that Vex can detonate for additional damage.

R: Shadow Surge

Vex’s ultimate, Shadow Surge, launches her shadow forward and marks the first enemy hit. Recasting this ability lets Vex dash to the marked target, dealing significant damage. Successfully eliminating a marked target resets the cooldown, enabling a lethal chain of attacks to continue.

Understanding Vex’s abilities and utilizing them strategically can position her as a game-changer in any League of Legends match. At, our comprehensive guides help you unlock Vex’s full potential on the Rift.

Vex skins

Vex, the gloomy yordle from League of Legends, has quickly become a favorite among players worldwide. With her unique abilities and distinct personality, she is not just a powerhouse in the Rift but also a style icon thanks to her range of mesmerizing skins. In the world of League of Legends, skins are more than just visual upgrades; they offer a chance for players to express their individual style. Let’s explore the captivating skins available for Vex and see how they add a new dimension to this formidable champion.

Explore Vex’s Unique Skin Collection

In League of Legends, each champion’s skins are carefully crafted to offer different visual aesthetics, and Vex is no exception. Her skin collection includes designs that retain her signature gloomy aura while infusing new elements. When choosing a skin for Vex, players can enhance their gaming experience and personalize their champion to reflect their unique preferences. From the chilling aesthetics of her Spectral skin to the enchanting allure of her Coven skin, every option adds a fresh twist to Vex’s already captivating appearance.

Top Vex Skins to Amp Up Your Game

Among the top picks in Vex’s skin collection, the Coven skin stands out as a fan favorite, offering an alluring blend of darkness and mystique. This particular skin features a captivating design, complete with unique particle effects and animations that elevate her gameplay experience. For those who prefer a more mystical approach, the Spectral skin offers a haunting yet beautiful transformation, with ghostly effects that perfectly complement Vex’s spectral charm. Whether you’re looking to intimidate foes or simply want a stunning new look for your favorite champion, Vex’s skins provide an exciting opportunity to explore both beauty and power on the Rift.

Vex guide

Vex, the Gloomist, is a unique champion in League of Legends known for her shadowy prowess and ability to control the battlefield with ease. As a mid-lane mage, Vex excels in disrupting enemy formations, utilizing her fear-inducing abilities to silence and eliminate foes. Understanding the depths of her skill set is essential for players who want to make the most out of this dark yordle’s capabilities.

Mastering Vex’s Abilities

To play Vex effectively, one must become familiar with her abilities. Her passive, Doom ‘n Gloom, allows her to enhance her next basic ability with bonus damage while Gloom applies a mark on opponents that amplifies damage when triggered. Make sure to time her passive correctly to maximize damage output. Mistral Bolt, Vex’s Q ability, is her main source of range damage, providing a straight-line skill shot that excels in both poking and clearing waves. Personal Space, her W, offers a shield and a close-range burst, making it essential for surviving against aggressive opponents. Looming Darkness, her E ability, can zone out enemies and apply Gloom marks, setting up a perfect Resonance for her ultimate, Shadow Surge. Utilize Shadow Surge to engage or chase down enemies, marking and re-activating to close the distance effectively.

Best Item Build and Runes for Vex

Choosing the optimal item build for Vex is crucial for maximizing her impact in games. Start with Luden’s Tempest for burst and mana sustain, then opt for items like Shadowflame, Zhonya’s Hourglass, and Rabadon’s Deathcap to amplify her damage output. Complement these items with Sorcerer’s Shoes for enhanced magic penetration. The best runes for Vex include Arcane Comet for poke-oriented playstyles or Electrocute for burst damage. Secondary runes like Manaflow Band and Transcendence help sustain longer laning phases and scale effectively into the late game.

Explore the depths of Vex’s gameplay on, where strategic insights illuminate the path to mastering this enigmatic mage.

Vex lore

Vex, the Gloomist, is a character that embodies the darker elements of Runeterra, offering players a unique insight into the world of League of Legends. As a yordle mystic from Bandle City, Vex was initially uninterested in the chaotic and bustling energy of her home. However, her life took a dramatic turn when she crossed paths with Viego, the Ruined King, whose actions unleashed a Shadow Isles mist that resonated deeply with her soul. This mist awakened an untapped power within her, allowing Vex to manipulate shadows and spread gloom wherever she roams.

Discover the Origins of Vex in League of Legends Lore

Understanding Vex’s origins is crucial for League of Legends enthusiasts looking to grasp the full scope of her character. Vex’s fascination with the shadows developed early on, setting her apart from her more cheerful yordle counterparts. Her encounter with the Ruined King marked a pivotal moment, as it allowed her to embrace her true self, free from the monotonous happiness of Bandle City. This newfound ability to control shadows has made Vex a powerful ally and a formidable threat on the battlefield.

The Role of Shadow Magic in Vex’s Story

Shadow magic plays a central role in Vex’s lore, transforming her from a disinterested yordle into a pivotal player in the unfolding events of Runeterra. Her connection to the shadows grants her the ability to evoke despair in those around her, making her a valuable asset in battles and a complex character within the League of Legends narrative. As players explore her story, they discover the duality of Vex’s existence, where her gloominess becomes her greatest strength.

Vex’s lore continues to intrigue players as they delve deeper into her story, uncovering how she navigates the complexities of her abilities and her place in the world of Runeterra. For fans seeking to explore both her dark origins and her impact on the League of Legends universe, Vex remains a compelling figure worthy of discovery.


Vex, the Gloomist, is a beloved champion in League of Legends, captivating players with her unique abilities and mysterious lore. We’ve compiled a comprehensive FAQ to help you understand everything there is to know about Vex. These questions and answers are optimized for search engines to provide you with the most relevant information.

Who is Vex in League of Legends?

Vex is a champion in League of Legends known for her control mage playstyle. She is the moody Yordle who thrives on disrupting her enemies and draining their will to fight.

What abilities does Vex have?

Vex has a set of abilities that include Mistral Bolt, Personal Space, Looming Darkness, and her ultimate Shadow Surge. Her passive provides Angst, enhancing her skills with bonus effects.

How do you play Vex effectively?

To play Vex effectively, focus on positioning and timing. Use her abilities to poke and control enemies, while deploying ultimate strategically to initiate fights or finish off fleeing enemies.

What role does Vex play in a team composition?

Vex is primarily a mid-lane champion with a focus on crowd control and anti-mobility capabilities, making her a strong pick against teams with highly mobile champions.

How do I counter Vex in League of Legends?

To counter Vex, pick champions with long-range poke or heavy sustain. Playing defensively and avoiding her shadow-based combos can mitigate her potential impact in the lane.

What skins are available for Vex?

As of now, Vex has several skins, including her base skin and additional options like Dawnbringer Vex and Prestige edition variants, reflecting her theme as the Gloomist.

What lore is associated with Vex in League of Legends?

Vex’s lore portrays her as a disenchanted Yordle from Bandle City who grew weary of its brightness and cheer, eventually allying with Viego to spread gloom across Runeterra.

Is Vex a good champion for beginners?

Vex can be a good pick for beginners who want to learn control mage champions. Her abilities are straightforward, but mastery requires learning positioning and effective use of her ultimate.

What is Vex’s ultimate ability?

Vex’s ultimate ability is Shadow Surge. It sends a shadow forward that marks and deals damage to the first enemy champion hit, allowing Vex to dash to them for additional damage.

What champions synergize well with Vex?

Champions who provide additional crowd control or engage can synergize well with Vex. Consider pairing her with champions like Amumu or Leona for effective team fight setups.

How has Vex’s gameplay evolved over time?

Since her release, Vex has seen various adjustments to her abilities and stats to balance her power. Patch updates continue to refine her playstyle in response to community and professional feedback.

Can Vex be played in lanes other than mid?

While Vex is optimized for mid-lane, she can sometimes be flexed into the support role where her crowd control abilities can be utilized, though this is less common.

What items are best for building Vex?

Vex benefits from items that enhance her ability power and control capabilities. Consider building items like Luden’s Tempest, Zhonya’s Hourglass, and more to maximize her influence.

How does Vex’s passive ability work?

Vex’s passive, Doom ‘n Gloom, cycles between creating effects for her spells with Doom and marking enemy dashes with Gloom, creating a playstyle centered around burst moments.

What runes should I use on Vex?

Opt for primary runes from the Sorcery tree, such as Arcane Comet or Electrocute, to bolster Vex’s burst damage, while secondary runes can focus on enhancing resilience or sustain.

Is Vex viable in competitive play?

Vex is a viable choice in competitive play due to her ability to disrupt and deal significant damage, especially against compositions with high mobility.

What makes Vex unique among other Yordle champions?

Vex’s shadow abilities and gloomy personality set her apart from other Yordle champions, offering a distinct dark-themed playstyle focused on crowd control and countering mobility.

How can I improve my skills with Vex?

Improving your Vex gameplay involves practicing her combos, understanding her matchup dynamics, and learning to anticipate enemy movements to leverage her passive effectively.

Does Vex have any unique interactions in the game?

Vex has unique interactions, especially with champions possessing high mobility abilities, due to her passive marking them for additional damage when they dash.

When was Vex released in League of Legends?

Vex was released on September 23, 2021, joining the roster of champions in League of Legends with her distinctive style and thematic elements.

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